BSN NITRIX 2.0 180 kaps.



Pristatymas 1-2 d.d.

Advanced Volumizing Pump Technology, Promotes A Total Body Pump!

The New Muscle Enhancing Phenomenon That Will Change A Generation! Nitrix has just tapped into one of the most powerful muscle building phenomenons discovered to date. This newly generated class of supplementation utilizes the breakthrough molecule NO (recently awarded The Noble Prize in 1998) to help promote new growth and visually alter your body. The Nitrix induced transformation is going to change a generation; most importantly, this ground-breaking new product is NON-HORMONAL!

What To Expect From Nitrix!

Week 1 – Your Body Is In A NO Loading Phase, Prepare Yourself For What Is About To Take Place! You will start to experience the initial signs of your „muscle swelling” full body pumps! You will also notice the beginning stages of an increase in your strength, recuperation and endurance.

Week 2 – Nitrix Has Just Turned On The Transformation Switch! At some point in week 2 the NO switch flips on. You will really start to see and feel the power of the Nitrix induced transformation. During week 2 your strength, recuperation and endurance should noticeably increase. Your muscles will also become visibly fuller and much harder and you may also start to experience an increase in „male” size and performance.

Week 3 – The Metamorphosis Has Begun And It Only Gets Better From Here! You will feel your skin tightening around your muscles and your vascularity will become exaggerated (almost freakish). You should now be experiencing rock hard, full body pumps that last all day long. Your recuperation will seem almost immediate and your strength and endurance should skyrocket. Your gains in lean mass should be unmistakable when you step on the scale and at this point everyone in the gym will be asking what you are taking.

Week 4 – And Beyond – Everyday You Look In The Mirror You Should Notice A New, More Muscular Physique. You should now be achieving new levels in lean mass, muscularity, and density that many people only reach after years of heavy lifting! If you think this is good, hang on; the Nitrix transformation still has a long way to go!

Nitrix – The Most Advanced NO Supplement Ever Developed!

BSN has taken vaso-muscular volumization to the next level by developing a premier NO booster that ensures optimum NO production over current NO boosters. L-Arginine Alpha Keto-Glutarate (AAKG) has the unique ability to improve the conversion process of Arginine into NO. However, the NO boosting power of this specific amino acid is heavily dependent upon the bonded ratio of L-Arginine to AKG. After months of extensive research BSN has developed a precise bonded ratio of L-Arginine to AKG. This ratio promotes an increase in NO production over standard bonded versions of L-Arginine AKG. BSN’s proprietary AAKG technology makes Nitrix the world’s premier NO booster.

Methocel – Controlled Release Technology!

The muscle enhancing benefits of NO are only as effective as the delivery system that is able to maintain a constant level of this molecule in the blood. Until recently NO was unable to be released at a controlled and sustained release rate. Without this required release profile the body cannot benefit from this powerful vaso-muscular volumizer. This is why BSN went to great lengths to ensure that Nitrix had the most scientifically validated and effective release protocol for NO ever developed. We enlisted the help of one of the top pharmaceutical companies in the world to develop a proven delivery system that would outperform any release profile ever developed for this new breakthrough class of supplementation.

BSN’s exclusive release technology (aka Methocel – a micro-polymer hydrophilic ether matrix) was developed by Dow Chemical to control the release rate of specific ingredients. Methocel provides Nitrix with a constant and steady release rate of NO and maintains its concentrations in the blood near 24 hours. BSN’s controlled release technology has just opened up the unlimited muscle and performance enhancing potential of NO.

The Vital Nutrient Support System!

Nitrix contains a vital support system that provides the body with specific nutrients that are required to effectively utilize the vaso-muscular volumizing properties of NO.

Nutrient #1 – An Essential NO Enzyme – Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD) is an essential NO enzyme that has a vital role in the conversion of L-AAKG to NO. Without the addition of this enzyme NO conversion is minimized to less than ideal levels. However, with the added support of this enzyme NO production is considerably increased to levels that may have never before been obtainable by the body.

Nutrient #2 – A Key NO Donor – L-Citrulline is an amino acid that is an extremely powerful NO donor. This relatively unheard of amino acid has a significant role in the body’s NO production process due to its unique ability to continually recycle itself into NO. This continuous recycling procedure promotes increased and sustained levels of NO in the blood.

Nutrient #3 – A Precise Blend of Essential Phosphates – Phosphoplexx is a precise blend of essential phosphates that are crucial in the uptake and storage of nutrients in the muscle cell. Without these phosphates the body’s ability to increase and store the amounts of protein (amino acids), glucose (carbohydrates), ATP, creatine, oxygen, and calcium within the muscle are significantly limited. Phosphoplexx enhances the uptake of these nutrients into the muscle which is extremely important to achieve the true potential of NO.

Supplement Facts:

Container Size: 180 Tablets
Serving Size: 3 Tablets
Servings Per Container: 60

Amount Per Serving:

L-Arginine Alpha Keto-Glutarate (AAKG): 3000mg

CRTS: 1791mg
(Controlled Release Technology & Support System)
(Micro-Polymer Hydrophillic Ether Matrix)
(Calcium Phosphate, Di-Potassium Phosphate & Sodium Phosphate)
(creatine ethyl-ester malate) patent pending
NAD (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide)
Folic Acid (Folate)

Note: The servings per container is the total servings.

Directions: Take 3 tablets 3 times per day (everyday). Take the first dosage in the morning on an empty stomach, the second dosage before lunch on an empty stomach, and the third dosage before dinner on an empty stomach. It is recommended to take Nitrix on an empty stomach approximately 30 minutes before each meal. Taking with food or on a full stomach, ephedra, or high amounts of glutamine will dimish its effects.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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NITRIX® represents yet another BSN® breakthrough in the world of nutritional supplementation – the am-to-pm vaso-muscular volumizer